Acende a luz para eu te ouvir


Acende a luz para eu te ouvir” (Turn on the light so I can “hear” you) is a documentary series about the Portuguese Sign Language aimed at deaf people and listeners of any age. This series intends to show deaf people stories and opinions that use the Portuguese Sign Language in their everyday lives, in the most diverse range of professions and activities.

Release date: 2016

Client: RTP 2

Original idea: Luciano Ottani, Miguel Medeiros Ferreira, Nuno Vicente

Writer: Miguel Frazão

Research: Lucas Mandacaru

Presenters: Pedro Mourão, Sandra Faria

Interpreters, translations, subtitles: Ana Fernandes, Maria João Peixoto, Nuno Gonçalo Santos, Pedro Mourão, Sandra Faria

Director: Marcelo Lavandoski

Line Producer: Lucas Mandacaru

Producer: Maria Campos Forte

Executive Producer: Alexandre Montenegro

Creative Director: Luciano Ottani

DOP: Ricardo Magalhães

Animation/Post Production: MOLA

Sound Director: Quintino Bastos

Soundtrack: Flávio Morgade

Sound Post Production: Casa do Som